LegiLAB 4 Progress Now: Legislative Theatre
Zakonodajno gledališče za zakonodajo po meri ljudi Sobota, 8. 9. 2018, od 12.00 do 19.00, Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor
Vabljen_a na zaključni dogodek projekta LegiLab 4 Progress, 15-mesečnega mednarodnega strateškega partnerstva Erasmus+, ki se je odvijal v partnerstvu organizacij Giolli (Italija), Active Inquiry (Škotska), Pracownia Inspiracji Społecznych (Poljska) in Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor (Slovenija).
V projektu smo se osredotočale_i na uporabo metodologije gledališča zatiranih, natančneje zakonodajnega gledališča, kot načina za spodbujanje udeležbe mladih v političnih in zakonodajnih procesih. Da bi med ljudmi dosegle_i večji politični angažma, smo ustvarile_i zbornik 'Onkraj teatra, Izkušnje z zakonodajnim gledališčem' ter dokumentarni film o zakonodajnem gledališču 'Playing Games'. Pridi torej na dogodek LegiLAB 4 Progress Now, kjer boš sodeloval_a v: - interaktivni predstavitvi zbornika in dokumentarnega filma, - forumski zakonodajni predstavi Status quo na trgu dela, ki naslavlja aktualno problematiko prekarnosti, - diskusiji/delavnici o pomenu participatornih metodologij pri vključevanju mladih v politično politiko. Na dogodku bo na voljo okrepčilo. Obvezne prijave na: https://goo.gl/forms/JKD1TOBJygElHVxK2 Udeleženkam_cem iz drugih slovenskih mest ob predložitvi dokazil pripada povrnitev potnih stroškov. Projekt sofinancira Evropska unija v okviru programa Erasmus+ preko slovenske Nacionalne agencije MOVIT.
Za več informacij piši na: infopeka@infopeka.org --------- Legislative Theatre: For a legislation of the people, by the people, for the people. We are inviting you to the final event of the LegiLab 4 Progress project, a 15-month international strategic partnership of Erasmus+ co-created by 4 partner organisations: Giolli from Italy, Active Inquiry from Scotland, Pracownia Inspiracji Społecznych from Poland and Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor from Slovenia. The project focused on the use of the methodology of Theatre of the Oppressed, more specifically the method of Legislative Theatre, as a way of encouraging the target group of young people to participate in political and legislative procedures. With the aim of encouraging political engagement among people we created two intellectual outputs: a compendium of papers entitled 'Beyond Performance, Experiences in Legislative Theatre' and a documentary film on Legislative Theatre entitled 'Playing Games'. So come and take part of the event LegiLAB 4 Progress Now where you will be able to participate in: - the interactive presentation of both of the above-mentioned intellectual outputs (just a quick reminder - the documentary film and the compendium), - the forum legislative performance Status quo on the labour market (which we will use as an example of the technique of Legislative Theatre dealing with the very relevant and acute issue of precarious work) - the workshop/discussion on the importance of participatory methodologies in including young people into political issues and politics. Refreshments will be provided at the event. Please apply here: https://goo.gl/forms/JKD1TOBJygElHVxK2 The applicants coming from other places in Slovenia and abroad can get reinbursement of travel expenses with appropriate receipts.
For more information write: infopeka@infopeka.org
The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.